• A.N. Belikov Southern Federal University
  • S.A. Kucherov Southern Federal University
  • V.S. Lapshin Southern Federal University
  • Y.Y. Lipko Southern Federal University
  • А.S. Sviridov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Communication models, information systems development, life cycle, communication participants, CASE-tools, Newcomb communication model, Scram


The article analyzes the existing communication models and their applicability to the tasks
of organizing effective communication in the process of developing information systems. The use
of communication models in combination with various, most commonly used models of the life
cycle of information systems – waterfall, spiral, SCRUM - is considered. The advantages and disadvantages
of such combinations and their causes are analyzed on the example of T. Newcomb's
model. The main element of communication is to ensure understanding between the two participants
regarding the object that arises in the project at the next step of its implementation.
The systematization of knowledge and information is presented, taking into account the subjects
and forms of its presentation. The analysis shows that the models, realizing the ideas embedded in
them, correspond to different life cycle models to varying degrees, but none of the communication
models fully solves communication problems in the development of information systems. The performed
studies show that none of the combinations of models allows to effectively organize communication
between participants in the development process. It is necessary to radically revise
models and mechanisms in such a way that subjects can communicate at the stage of preparing
actions to create software development artifacts, and not based on the results of their implementation.
Approaches involving the development and use of communication tools – LOW/No code platforms,
or other CASE-tools that allow the user and the developer to communicate while preserving
the context of the transmitted knowledge are focused on eliminating such problems. The study of
the features and structure of such tools will be the subject of further research.


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