• D.V. Zagumennov Southern Federal University
  • V.V. Mkrtichyan Southern Federal University
Keywords: Copy protection, broadcast encryption, algebraic geometric codes, identifying codes


Broadcast encryption is a data distribution protocol that solve the problem of distributing digital
products to authorized users and prevent unauthorized parties from accessing the data. It is widely
used in computer networks data protection, digital television and distributed storage. In broadcast
encryption schemes, data is distributed freely, but in encrypted form, and each legal user is given a
unique set of keys to decrypt it. However, broadcast encryption schemes are vulnerable to attacks
from coalitions of malicious users from among authorized users who are trying to create “pirated”
keys and gain unauthorized access to distributed data. Attacks of this kind can be handled in broadcast
encryption schemes by using error-correction codes that have special identifying properties, in
particular, frameproof (FP) and traceability (TA) properties. Previously, theoretical limits were obtained
for the power of a coalition of attackers, within which schemes based on identifying algebraic
geometric codes are applicable. The paper presents an information system for conducting experimental
studies of schemes reliability based on low-power identifying algebraic geometric codes, inparticular, for calculating identifying properties violation probabilities, including when exceeding
known theoretical limits. As an example of using the presented system, the results of a computational
experiment for two algebraic geometric codes are presented and analyzed. In conclusion, some open
questions are considered that are of interest for further research, in particular, the possibility of expanding
experimental studies to codes of arbitrary power.


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