Cite as: A.A. Bognyukov, D.Yu. Zorkin, E .G. Shvedo. System analysis and modeling of queue systems // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 113-121. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-113-121
This article focuses on automation systems used in car dealerships for the sale and repair of vehicles.
This requires consideration not only of existing processes but also their optimization using modern
technologies, which complicates the analysis of such systems. The implementation of such solutions can lead to the creation of more efficient models that reflect the real operating conditions of car dealerships.
Understanding the key concepts of automation helps not only to structure the research but also to identify
directions for further development. Studying existing models and systems allows for the identification of
best practices and potential shortcomings. Comparative analysis helps not only to adapt proven solutions
to new conditions but also to avoid mistakes made in previous studies. System analysis and modeling of
queuing systems represent key aspects in the management and optimization of business processes, including
such complex areas as automation of the sales and repair process of cars. In the modern world of high
technology, where competition in the market of goods and services is constantly growing, the use of system
analysis allows enterprises to find effective solutions to improve their operations. Queuing systems (hereinafter
referred to as QMS) are a central element in various sectors of the economy, including car dealerships
and service centers. They are aimed at optimizing customer flows and resources in order to improve
the quality of service and minimize waiting times. The main task of system analysis in this context is to
study the structure, behavior and interaction of system components in order to identify weaknesses and
find optimal strategies to overcome them. To automate the work of the car dealership, a subject area was
selected, including key elements: staff, customers, cars, services and contracts. These elements are interconnected
and form the basis for the projected database. Each of the elements has its own essence, and
their interaction through contracts becomes the basis for the development of a relational database.
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