Cite as: K.M. Zanin. An algorithm for forming a profiled reflector of a reflector antenna in problems of electrodynamic modeling // Izvestiya SFedU. Engineering Sciences – 2024. – N. 6. - P. 76-85. doi: 10.18522/2311-3103-2024-6-76-85

  • К.М. Zanin FSUE “Rostov-on-Don Research Institute of Radio Communication”
Keywords: 3d model, reflector antenna, profiled reflector


When design satellite communication complexes that are placed on board space satellites, it is required
to ensure a given communication quality within the established service area. The workspace in
such tasks can have a complex border shape. To cover a given area, on-board antenna systems are used,
which implement a contour pattern. The quality of communication is directly related to the parameters of
the main lobe of the directional pattern. The directional pattern should take this factor into account, and
the main lobe should be as close in shape as possible to the contour of the border of the serviced area.
One of the possible options for design an antenna system with a contour pattern is the use of a reflector
antenna. The antenna has a single source and a reflector with a profiled surface. The law of profiling the
reflector surface is determined by the shape of the boundary of the serviced area. At the antenna design
stage, it becomes necessary to model and analyze the parameters of the radiation pattern. This requires a
3D model of a profiled reflector. This 3D model is used as input data for electrodynamic modeling programs.
The construction of a 3D model consists of solving the equation that describes the reflector and
forming the results of solving the equation in the form of a solid. The analysis of the published articles
showed that currently the issues of forming 3D models, taking into account the design features of reflector
antennas, are not considered in sufficient detail. The goal of the work was to build a 3D model of a profiled
reflector for electrodynamic modeling, taking into account the features of the construction of reflector
antennas. To achieve this goal, the task of developing an appropriate algorithm has been solved. In the
course of the conducted research, an algorithm for forming a profiled reflector has been developed, which
allows creating an appropriate 3D model that can be used in electrodynamic modeling tasks. The developed
algorithm converts the results of solving an equation containing information about the shape of the
reflector into a discontinuous surface on which boundary conditions can be set.


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