Specialties of the Higher Attestation Commission of the Russian Federation

1.2.2. Mathematical modeling, numerical methods and software packages (technical sciences),

2.2.13. Radio engineering, including television systems and devices (physical and mathematical sciences),

2.2.13. Radio engineering, including television systems and devices (technical sciences),

2.2.14. Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies (technical sciences),

2.2.14. Antennas, microwave devices and their technologies (physical and mathematical sciences),

2.2.16. Radar and radio navigation (technical sciences),

2.2.16. Radar and radio navigation (physical and mathematical sciences),

2.2.2. Electronic component base of micro- and nanoelectronics, quantum devices (physical and mathematical sciences),

2.2.2. Electronic component base of micro- and nanoelectronics, quantum devices (technical sciences),

2.3.1. System analysis, management and information processing (technical sciences),

2.3.1. System analysis, management and information processing (physical and mathematical sciences),

2.3.3. Automation and control of technological processes and productions (technical sciences),

2.3.5. Mathematical and software support of computer systems, complexes and computer networks (technical sciences),

2.3.6. Information security methods and systems, information security (physical and mathematical sciences)


1.2.1. Artificial intelligence and machine learning (technical sciences)

2.2.3. Technology and equipment for the production of materials and electronic devices (technical sciences)

2.3.2. Computing systems and their elements (technical sciences)

2.3.4. Management in organizational systems (technical sciences)

2.3.6. Information security methods and systems, information security (technical sciences)

2.3.7. Computer modeling and design automation (technical sciences)

2.3.8. Informatics and information processes (technical sciences)

2.5.4. Robots, mechatronics and robotic systems (technical sciences)