Scientific, technical and practical journal
The founder: Southern Federal University.
Founded in 1995, previous name was «Izvestiya TSURE».
Print publication registered by the Federal Supervision Service for Legislation in Mass Media and Culture Heritage Protection. Registration certificate (license) ПИ № ФС77-28889 of July 12, 2007.
Registered in the International Center ISSN — ISSN 1999-9429 (Print), ISSN 2311-3103 (Online)
Russian Press subscription reference 41970.
Journal is included in «The List of Russian Highest Certification Commission».
Periodical is included in Journal of abstracts and data base of the VINITI RAS.
«Ulrich`s Periodicals Directory» publishes information about the Journal each year.
Information about the published articles is regularly submitted in the due form to the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI)
Impact-factor RSCI(2015) – 0,98.
Journal h-index 22.