Author Guidelines
The journal "Izvestia SFedU. Technical Sciences" accepts for consideration scientific articles that meet the following requirements:
Text originality
- Anti-plagiarism: Each article must be checked for text uniqueness using the anti-plagiarism system. The minimum originality threshold is 70%. This indicator is necessary to ensure that the submitted materials are the result of original research and contain new ideas and developments.:
- Self-citation: it is allowed to use materials previously published by the author, but the volume of self-citation should not exceed 20% of the total volume of the article. In this case, it is necessary to provide a link to the original source.
- Absence of classified information: All articles must be accompanied by an author's certificate confirming that the text:
does not contain (or does contain) information that could constitute the subject of an invention, but has not been filed with Rospatent;
does not contain (or does contain) information about inventions protected by copyright certificates or patents published in the Bulletin of Inventions.
- Compliance with the legislation on state secrets: In order to comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation and ensure the security of information, we ask you to consider the need to obtain an expert opinion for each article submitted for consideration to our journal. The expert opinion must contain an assessment of the presence (or absence) of information in the articles constituting a state secret, as well as the possibility (or impossibility) of their open publication. The information contained in the article must not fall under the list of information constituting a state secret established by Article 5 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On State Secrets" and the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1995 No. 1203.
To ensure the logic and consistency of the presentation of the material, as well as the ease of perception of the article by readers, the journal "Izvestiya SFedU. Technical Sciences" imposes requirements on published articles. The article must be strictly structured and contain the following sections:
The title of the article must be brief, informative and accurately reflect the main content of the work. It should attract the attention of potential readers and give an idea of the topic of the study (No more than 12 words).
The abstract (in Russian and English) is a brief overview of the contents of the article. It should include:
o Brief description of the goals and objectives of the study;
o Main methods used in the work;
o Key results and conclusions;
o Practical significance of the study.
The abstract should be at least 200 but no more than 250 characters long.
Keywords (5–10) help index the article in databases and facilitate searching for thematic queries. They should reflect the main concepts and terms found in the article.
The introduction should substantiate the relevance of the problem under study and show its significance for the development of the relevant branch of science and technology. It is necessary to highlight the key works devoted to the problem. It should also indicate which issues remain unresolved and why this particular topic requires detailed study. It is important to show how the proposed approach differs from previous ones and what its novelty is.
Main part of the work (2-4 sections)
- Description or statement of the problem to be solved
The section "Description or statement of the problem to be solved" is an important element of the scientific work. It serves to clearly define the problem that the author intends to solve, as well as to justify the relevance of the study.
The section "Description or statement of the problem to be solved" usually includes the following elements:
- Problem statement:
o A clear definition of the problem to be studied.
o A description of the reasons why this problem is relevant and requires a solution.
- Relevance of the topic:
o Argumentation of the importance of the chosen topic for science, society or practice.
o An indication of possible prospects for developing the topic and obtaining new knowledge.
- Research objective:
o Specification of the main goal that is planned to be achieved during the study.
o Justification of how achieving this goal will help solve the problem.
- Research objectives:
o A list of specific steps necessary to achieve the goal.
o Logical justification of the connection of these tasks with the problem and the purpose of the study.
- Object and subject of the study:
o Definition of the general object of study (what is being studied as a whole).
o Identification of a specific subject of the study (aspect that will be considered in detail).
- Hypothesis (if any):
o Formulation of an assumption about a possible solution to the problem.
o Justification of the hypothesis and an indication of the possibility of its verification.
- Research methodology (Strategy and approaches to research, development of architecture, methods and algorithms for solving the problem)
The section "Research methodology" plays a key role in scientific work, as it describes the strategy and approaches used to achieve the research objectives. It is important to reflect all stages of the development and implementation of the methodology, including the choice of methods, the development of architecture and algorithms for solving the problem. Below are the main requirements for this section.
Research Strategy and Approaches
- Overview of Approaches: Start with a brief overview of the various strategies and approaches that can be used to solve your problem. Explain why the approach you are using was chosen.
- Choice of Strategy: Describe what strategy was chosen to conduct the study. For example, it could be an experimental approach, analytical, modeling, etc. Provide a rationale for choosing this strategy.
- Research Stages: Break the research process down into individual stages and explain how each stage contributes to achieving the final goal.
If describing the development of the architecture
- Architectural Principles: It is advisable to describe the main architectural principles underlying your approach. For example, if we are talking about software development, these could be the principles of modularity, scalability, security, etc. 2. System Components: Provide the overall architecture of the system, including all major components and how they interact. Use diagrams or charts to help visualize this.
- Interfaces and Protocols: Describe the interfaces and protocols for interactions between the system components. This is especially important if your work involves developing distributed systems or networked applications.
If this section describes methods and algorithms for solving a given problem
- Primary Methods: List and describe in detail the methods that were used to solve the given problem. Include mathematical formulas, algorithmic descriptions, and other necessary details.
- Algorithms: Provide a detailed description of the algorithms you developed, including pseudocode or flowcharts. Explain how these algorithms solve the given problem and what advantages they have over other existing algorithms.
- Modeling and Simulation: If your research involved models or simulations, describe their creation and use. Provide the results of the modeling and explain how they validate the chosen method.
- Data Analysis: If your project involves collecting and processing large amounts of data, describe the data analysis methods you used. This may include statistical analysis, machine learning, data visualization, etc.
- Results and Discussion or Computational Experiment
The results of the study should be presented clearly and systematically. Tables, graphs, charts, and other visual elements help to better perceive the information. Each result should be discussed, comparing it with the data of other researchers and explaining how it confirms or refutes the hypotheses put forward at the beginning of the work; it is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of the study.
Efficiency Evaluation
- Evaluation Criteria: It is necessary to define the criteria by which the effectiveness of the proposed method or algorithm will be evaluated. These can be such indicators as accuracy, speed of execution, reliability, etc.
- Test Results: You need to provide the results of testing your methods and algorithms. Compare them with the results of other studies or standard indicators.
- Limitations and Disadvantages: It is necessary to note any limitations or disadvantages of your approach. Explain how these limitations may affect the results of the study and how they can be eliminated in the future.
- Conclusions
Conclusions should be a summary of the main results of the study and contain recommendations for their practical application. Here it is necessary to emphasize to what extent the set goals and objectives were achieved, and also to suggest areas for further research. It is necessary to highlight the practical significance and novelty of the study.
- Scientific novelty:
o Indication of how this study differs from previous works on a similar topic.
o Formulation of new aspects of the problem that will be considered for the first time.
- Practical significance:
o Description of the possible practical application of the research results.
o Examples of areas where the obtained data can be applied.
- References
The article must contain at least 20 sources All sources cited in the article must be included in the list of references. References to sources are formatted in accordance with the established rules of the journal. (Clarification from existing requirements)
Additional requirements
o Article size: The recommended article size is 10 to 20 A4 pages, including figures, tables and a list of references. (For review articles - 20 to 30 pages)
o Font and formatting: The main text of the article should be typed in Times New Roman, 12 points, with single line spacing. Section headings are bold, and subsection headings are italicized.
o Figures and tables: All graphic materials (graphs, diagrams, photographs) should be numbered and provided with captions. Tables are also numbered and have titles.
Compliance with these requirements will help authors create a high-quality and easily understandable article that meets the high standards of the journal "Izvestiya SFedU. Technical Sciences".