Author Guidelines

The following requirements are imposed upon a manuscript: 1. The extent of a manuscript should be more than 10 and less than 18 pages. Text should be typed broadside according to the rules of computer typesetting using clean sheet of paper of standard-size page (А 4). Each page should have less than 28 lines, 60 characters in each line printed with 1, 5 spacing (it is true for tables and notes). Authors should present 1 copy of the article and identical electronic version.   Word for Windows, Times New Roman, font size is 14.   Fields: right field is 1 cm, left one is 3 cm, head and bottom edges are 2 cm. 2. Article heading follows an UDC identifier (UDC guide is here), related to the declared subject. 3. The article should start with the heading and author’s surname and first names (in full) and should be supplied with an abstract both in Russian and English with the extent of 200-250 words.    The abstract should indicate purpose and objectives of research, and summary conclusions.    The abstract should be followed by key words (word-combinations) bearing essential meaning (in Russian and in English). 4. The article should contain minimum of tables and illustrations. Each figure should have explanations for all its components, a sequence number and a name    underneath. The text should have a reference to the figure. Each table should have a sequence number and a name above. Table and figure data should not duplicate the text. 5. Quotations should be carefully checked with the original and signed by the author in the last page overleaf: "The quotations and factual material are verified". Signature, date. 6. A reference list as an attachment to the article is obligatory; it should be executed according to ГОСТ Р 7.0.5-2008 (here). References in the text should be in square brackets.Reference examples: a) for books: author’s last name and initials, full book title, place and year of publication, pages: b) for articles: author’s last name and initials, full title of a collection, book, newspaper or magazine of the published article, place and year of publication (for a collection or book), issue (for a magazine), year and date (for a newspaper), number, part (for a collection), pages of the printed article. Foreign literature should be recorded the same way. References to the unpublished works are prohibited. 7. The manuscript should be read closely. Editors retain the right to cut, make changes and return articles for rework.8. Articles should be accompanied by author(s) details in accordance with RSCI procedure (here), (full name; place of employment (full organisation name); e-mail address; mailing address and phone number; academic title; position) both in Russian and in English. 9. Publication is free for post-graduate student. About reviewing:All papers send of to members of editorial board or to key personnel for reviewing.If paper got positive review it will publish at the next issue of a journal.Negative review sends of to author as reasoned refusal. All reviews are stored at the editorial office five years.Editorial office guarantees dispatch of reviews to Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.