Due to the cohabitation of multiple types of communication networks and the increasing need for
high-speed data transmission, multi-frequency and broadband communication systems have gained popularity
as study topics. Omnidirectional antennas can handle more individual frequency bands and are
useful for a variety of wireless communications devices due to their radiation pattern, which facilitates
effective transmission and reception from a mobile device. However, for mobile communication systems
supporting 2G, 3G, 4G, and future 5G applications, the use of a high-bandwidth antenna may be crucial.
Since 5G offers its vast user base higher data speed, greater dependability, and reduced power consumption,
numerous studies on 5G broadband antennas have been published. Because of its many advantages,
such as higher channel capacity, better signal transmission and reception performance, the ability to
place big antennas in tiny spaces, and more, MIMO has emerged as a crucial technology for 5G. A number
of different 5G MIMO antenna types have recently been suggested for cellphones. An indoor
GSM/3G/LTE/5G communication system using a 2 × 2 wideband MIMO antenna is suggested in this
study. The antenna uses two antenna elements evenly spaced around the centre to form an omnidirectional
radiation pattern. Simultaneously, excellent omnidirectional emission properties and a broad bandwidth
are obtained. An impedance bandwidth of (0.7-5.3) GHz can be accomplished with a return loss of up to -
23 based on the simulation results, with a gain of up to 6.5 dB. ANSYS HFSS (High Frequency Structure
Simulator) 2020 is used to simulate the antenna.
Sub-6 GHz 5G Applications, IEEE Access, September 2018, Vol. 6, No. 2.
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19. Insu Yeom, Young Bae Jung and Chang Won Jung. Wide and Dual-Band MIMO Antenna with Omnidirectional
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22. Lei Zhou, Yongchang Jiao, Yihong Qi, Zibin Weng, and Liang Lu. Wideband Ceiling-Mount Omnidirectional
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