In today's rapidly changing and demanding work environment, the ability to quickly and accurately
assess an employee's emotional state is crucial to protecting human lives and reducing material risks.
Emotional well-being plays an important role in workplace safety, productivity, and overall mental health.
Therefore, the development of effective tools for monitoring negative emotions and responding to them is
an urgent task of our time. The purpose of this study is to develop an algorithm capable of classifying
emotions using audio data recorded by a user's smartphone. Such a tool is especially useful if integrated
into a broader health monitoring system that allows you to evaluate human health indicators in real time
using non-invasive methods. This article presents a new solution that uses acoustic signals picked up by a
smartphone microphone to detect and classify user emotions. Using convolutional neural networks
(CNNS), a type of deep learning algorithm known for its effectiveness in processing audio and visual data,
the proposed system can determine the user's emotional state. The CNN model is trained to recognize
patterns in audio data corresponding to various emotional manifestations, focusing on detecting negative
emotions such as anger or sadness. The results of the study demonstrate the effectiveness of the system:
the error rate in determining negative emotions is 19.5% for false positive results (errors of the first kind)
and 20.1% for false negative results (errors of the second kind). These indicators indicate its potential for
practical application in real conditions. By integrating this solution into existing biomedical monitoring
systems, organizations can expand their ability to monitor the emotional well-being of employees, potentially
preventing negative consequences such as industrial accidents or mental health crises. The integration
of emotion recognition using smartphones into health monitoring systems represents significant progress
in the field of non-invasive biomedical monitoring, using the ubiquitous presence of smartphones
and machine learning capabilities.
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