• А.P. Pljonkin Southern Federal University
Keywords: Synchronization pulse, key distribution, quantum communications, search algorithm, countermeasures, attacks on the quantum channel


The paper examines the latest research and trends in safeguarding data transmission through stateof-
the-art cryptographic techniques. It details the encryption and decryption process using the one-time
pad method, also known as the Vernam cipher, renowned for its unparalleled security. The work showcases
common challenges addressed by quantum cryptography, which encompasses concepts like outcome
unpredictability, quantum entanglement, and the Heisenberg uncertainty principle. The paper discusses
the use of symmetric algorithms for data encryption and sets forth standards for encryption keys that ensure
the absolute confidentiality of data exchange. It provides a concise history of quantum communications
and cryptography development, highlighting the critical need for ongoing research in this domain.
A pivotal aspect of cryptographic security, the distribution of encryption keys to legitimate users, is underscored.
Quantum cryptography presents a method for generating and sharing keys derived from quantum
mechanical principles, integral to quantum key distribution (QKD) systems. Contemporary QKD systems
undergo extensive scrutiny, including their susceptibility to various attack types, with most research aimed
at identifying potential weaknesses in quantum protocols, often due to technical flaws in QKD system
components. The study addresses a technique for unauthorized access to QKD systems during detector
calibration. Furthermore, the paper explores a strategy for illicitly infiltrating the operations of a quantum
key distribution system in calibration mode and suggests a defensive approach. Field research findings
are presented, revealing that QKD systems are prone to vulnerabilities not only during quantum protocol
execution but also throughout other crucial operational phases. The identified attack method enables
the unauthorized acquisition of data from a quantum communication channel and the manipulation of
system operations. A design for auto-compensating optical communication systems is proposed to protect
the calibration process against unauthorized breaches. The impact of sync pulses, reduced to singlephoton
levels, on accurately detecting timing intervals with an optical signal is demonstrated. The article
concludes with experimental results that exhibit variances between theoretical expectations and the actual
performance of individual components within a quantum communication system.


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