• S.S. Noskov All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the EMERCOM of Russia (Federal Science and High Technology Center)
  • А.Y. Barannik All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the EMERCOM of Russia (Federal Science and High Technology Center)
  • А.А. Lebedev All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the EMERCOM of Russia (Federal Science and High Technology Center)
  • A.V. Lagutina All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defence and Emergencies of the EMERCOM of Russia (Federal Science and High Technology Center)
Keywords: Robotics, robotic equipment, striker trawl, resistance to soil destruction, drive power, torque


The aim of the study is to develop a methodology that allows us to calculate the main parameters
characterizing the ability of a robotic vehicle equipped with a striker minesweeper to perform humanitarian
demining operations. For this purpose, within the framework of this work, tasks were solved such as
calculating the torque on the shaft of the striker trawl, determining the power of the motor driving the
striker trawl, and calculating the power of the power plant of a robotic vehicle. During the research, the
experience of creating and the main parameters of foreign mine clearance equipment with firing minesweepers
were analyzed – the Hydrema 910 MCV crew mine clearance vehicle, the MV-4 robotic mine
clearance vehicle, the Uran-6 remote-controlled mine clearance vehicle, and the MT-2 remote-controlled
mine trawl. The main features of the working body of the considered machines, namely the firing minesweeper,
were also analyzed. The developed methodology is based on a method for calculating the resistance
force of soil destruction and an explosive object when exposed to a bike, based on the theory of
interaction of working bodies of earthmoving machines, developed by academician N.G. Dombrovsky.
Also, during the development of this technique, the results of work on the calculation of the design of the
striker trawl were used by Croatian specialists Vinkovic N., Stojkovic V. and Mikulic D. At the same time,
calculations were carried out for various soils, which, depending on the resistivity of cutting, are divided
into 4 categories: sandy clay, gravel; dense clay, coal; hard clay with gravel; medium slate, chalk, soft
gypsum stone. The obtained data actually became an array of initial information, which, together with
known physical dependencies, allowed us to form an array of calculation formulas that allow us to calculate
the torque on the shaft of the striker trawl, the power of the motor driving the striker trawl, as well as
the power of the power plant of the robotic means, and thereby solve the scientific problem posed at the
beginning of the study.


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