• L.К. Khadzhieva Grozny State Petroleum Technical University named after M.D. Millionshchikova
  • V.V. Kotenko Southern Federal University
  • К.Y. Rumyantsev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Intelligent system, identity range, neurolinguistic identification, redundancy coefficient, verbality coefficient


The results of studies of the possibilities of using language and its components (text and speech) as
factors of neurolinguistic identification and authentication of intelligent systems (IS) of native speakers of
Russian and Chechen languages are presented. To achieve the research goals, an approach based on
information virtualization was used. It is proposed to use one of the ways to solve the problems of increasing
the efficiency of identification and authentication, which is the use of the factor of linguistic
neurolinguistic text identification and authentication. Research shows, firstly, that when a language
changes, in the case of using an intelligent system as a speaker of several languages, there is a change in
the parameters of neurolinguistic identification, and secondly, that if all intelligent systems are native
speakers of the same language, then when moving from one intellectual system to the other is a change in
the parameters of neurolinguistic identification. Thus, the study determined that the language of an intelligent
system can be used as an identification and authentication factor. IP speakers who are native speakers
of both Chechen and Russian languages have been studied. At the first stage, ten IPs were studied as
native speakers of the Russian language, and at the second stage, the same ten IPs were studied, but as
native speakers of the Chechen language. The results of the dependence of the main parameters, as well as
the dependence of the derived parameters of neurolinguistic text identification of intellectual systems of
native speakers of Russian and Chechen languages are presented. The results obtained open up a fundamentally
new opportunity for research in the direction of neurolinguistic text identification and authentication.
Research in this direction is of scientific and practical interest, both for the case of identifying an
intellectual system of native speakers of one language, and for the case when one intellectual system is a
native speaker.


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