• Владимир ЮФУ
Keywords: Radar image, parallel computing, aperture synthesis, surface-distributed underlying surface


This article discusses the creation of a radar scene for the subsequent modeling of a synthetic aperture radar. The complexity of the development of radar requires the creation of models of radar systems for testing signal processing algorithms. The main difficulty in simulating the reflection of a signal from the underlying surface is the high computational complexity associated with the large number of facets that are exposed to the radar. Reducing the cost of computation can be achieved by optimizing data processing, excluding non-illuminated facets from computation, while transferring computations to graphics processors. The purpose of the article is to create a method for generating variants of the radar scene, to create a method for generating target object simulators, to perform signal processing modeling, taking into account only illuminated facets in the carrier movement process and the implementation of radar image generation. In this work, optical satellite images of the terrain were used to create a radar scene, the brightness of each pixel of which is converted to the radar cross section (RCS) values. When calculating the reflected signal, the antenna pattern was taken into account, which made it possible to reduce the calculations time up to 26% (depending on the scene configuration). The developed model uses the MATLAB environment. This article shows a comparison of performance without exception and with the exclusion of illuminated facets for different radar scenes. Using the model with this radar scene allows you to assess the impact of system parameters to the output radar image.


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