• Алла Кузьменко ЮФУ
Keywords: Aerial – chemical works, aerial spraying, computer simulation, aircraft, flight modes, process parameters, deposition, efficiency


Practical issues of solving the problems of improving the quality and efficiency of aerial spraying as an essential element of the production of aerial-chemical works using computer simulation methods of its processes are considered in the report. The description of the formed software complex of aerial spraying modeling and the main results of its approbation taking into account the experimental data are presented.

Extended accounting of the aircraft parameters and flight modes when performing treatments, evaporation and crushing of drops of multi-component working fluids, technological aspects of protective spraying and a significant increase in the information content of the calculated parameters of liquid deposition to assess the level of efficiency of treatments are the features of the soft ware package.

Some characteristic calculated data modeling the formation of vortex track and field inductive velocity behind the aircraft during spraying, the trajectories of the working fluid drops, liquid deposition waves on the treated area with different technological parameters of its application and integral indicators of quality and efficiency of treatments are presented in the article. The developed software package makes it possible to carry out multifactorial and multivariate assessment of aerial spraying, to identify its significant patterns and to form the necessary practical recommendations for the production of aerial– chemical works and improve their safety, quality and efficiency.


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