• А.N. Zikiy Taganrog Research Institute of Communications
  • А.S. Kochubey Taganrog Research Institute of Communications
Keywords: Generator stabilized by a dielectric resonator, circuit, design, experiment, frequency run-out, frequency dependence on supply voltage, spectrum, harmonics, subharmonics


Generators stabilized by dielectric resonators have found wide application in communications, radar,
radio navigation and electronic warfare. A large number of works have been devoted to their research,
but increasing requirements for them forces radio equipment developers to look for new technical
solutions. Especially important is the stability of the frequency of microwave generators under the influence
of vibrations, shocks, temperature changes, changes in supply voltage. The influence of external influencing
factors leads to the appearance of parasitic signal parameters – frequency departures, expansion
of the spectral line, increase of harmonics and subharmonics. The purpose of this work is to measure
the parasitic parameters of the output signal. The object of the study is a serial microwave generator.
The paper gives a brief description of it. The generator has the following requirements: – calculation of a
dielectric resonator; – simulation of a microstrip filter from the frequency multiplier; – operating frequency
17490 ± 3.5 MHz; – output power of at least 10 dBm; – load resistance 50 ohms; – supply voltage
15 V; – consumption current no more than 215 mA. As the results of the study are presented: – frequency
run-out in 15 minutes after switching on; – frequency dependence on supply voltage; – the spectrum of the
output signal in the 100 kHz band; – the spectrum of the output signal in the 20 GHz band. The results
obtained can be used by students and teachers of radio engineering disciplines, engineers – developers of
radio equipment. The article complements the well-known results on the experimental study of generators
in terms of parasitic parameters of the output signal. For novice researchers, the experimental technique
may be useful.


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