• А.V. Dyakov Southern Federal University
  • К.Е. Rumyantsev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Information security, radiocontrol, radiomonitoring, intrusion detection systems, wireless networks, Wi-Fi, WIDS, WIPS


Wireless data transmission networks generate threats that cannot be protected against by means
traditional for wired networks, because in this case it is impossible to provide equivalent security of wired
networks due to the physical properties of the communication channel. The purpose of the article is to
determine the actual problems that exist in ensuring information security (IS) in wireless segments of data
networks. To achieve this goal, a selection of threats potentially realizable in wireless networks has been
made from the information security threat bank of FSTEC of Russia. It is established that the realization of
such threats can lead to a full set of violations of the state of IS, namely: violation of confidentiality, integrity
and availability of information. The existing practical ways of providing IS in wireless segments of
networks are considered. The analysis of these methods pointed out the technical possibility of creating an
additional boundary in the system of echeloned information protection. In turn, this provides the potential
to detect vulnerabilities and intrusions at the link layer of network communication both in local networks
of enterprises and in large-scale public networks. In accordance with the goal, aspects of building such a
defense frontier are grouped, related to control of the link layer of network interaction of wireless devices,
reduction of frequency-territorial clusters and legal support. The review of publications reveals a gap
between the existing approaches to radio monitoring and IS provision, and also reveals poor development
of the direction related to research in the field of detection and prevention of wireless intrusions. The obtained
result indicates the need to revise the existing concept of radio monitoring and develop appropriate
organizational and technical measures for its integration into the system of measures to ensure IS, which
should help to solve the problem of timely detection and prevention of intrusions into wireless segments of
data networks, as well as the identification of vulnerable elements of the infrastructure of these networks.


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