• Sanni Singh Southern Federal University
  • А.V. Pribylskiy Southern Federal University
Keywords: Fire sensor, simulink, detection signal, standard deviation, activation function, mathematical modeling


Modern technologies and urban infrastructure require innovative approaches to detecting fire hazards.
Effective and ultra-fast fire detection is becoming an integral part of safety. For this purpose, systems capable of
detecting and informing about a fire hazard situation in a matter of seconds are synthesized and implemented;
one of such systems is synthesized in the article. The research and synthesis of a mathematical model of a digital
universal fire sensor, which in turn is a complex of interconnected sensors, is relevant due to the constant development
of system infrastructure, the increasing complexity of electrical equipment and the need to reduce damage
arising from the outbreak and spread of fires. Predictive diagnostics of electrical equipment performance
allows timely identification and elimination of potential fire safety threats. Within the framework of this research,
a theoretical mathematical model of a real digital universal fire sensor is presented, first in a simplified
version, then in a more complicated version, taking into account the design and statistical approach to the problem
of finding the sensor response thresholds, a description of the parameters of the mathematical model and the
sequential principle of operation is given. This sensor is an innovative fire safety solution that provides a high
level of control and efficiency in real time. Based on the theoretical models presented in the article, a mathematical
model of the sensor has been developed, which is simulated using the Simulink software tool on real data
obtained from the sensor manufacturer. The simulation results showed that the model correctly describes the
behavior of a real sensor on all channels and can be used in further research, such as predicting and detecting
fire situations using neural networks. The synthesis of the proposed system is necessary for further research in
the field of forecasting and detection of fire hazardous situations based on the obtained mathematical model.


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