• D.V. Semenikhina Southern Federal University
  • Y.А. Skotarenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Nonlinear metasurface, nonlinear loads, wedge excitation, wing trailing edge


The aim of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of using a nonlinear metasurface on a wedgeshaped
object to control the electromagnetic field reflected from it. In the study, a nonlinear meta-surface
is a two-dimensional ordered array, the elements of which, interacting with the electromagnetic field of an incident wave, are able to control the amplitude and phase of the transmitted and reflected waves, thus
allowing the wavefront to be controlled. The task of the research is to find and verify a method for analyzing
wedge-shaped structures with nonlinear loads of various configurations. When solving the researching
task, a model of the trailing edge of a wing of an aircraft with longitudinal nonlinear loads on both sides
is considered. The studied nonlinear elements are modeled by concentrated loads in zones on the surface
of the trailing edge of the aircraft wing. By selecting the parameters of concentrated loads, the type of
their nonlinearity is set. A method of numerical analysis of the model based on solving the scattering problem
and the problem of electromagnetic field radiation is described. A step-by-step sequence of actions is
presented from creating a three-dimensional model of the trailing edge of an aircraft wing, to setting calculation
parameters and obtaining results. The results of modeling the trailing edge of an aircraft wing
with a different number of nonlinear loads, different positions of loads relative to each other and from the
edge, and different parameters of concentrated loads are presented. The obtained results of
electrodynamic modeling allow us to do conclusions regarding the parameters of loads, their number and
location. Various combinations of loads were investigated, notably two, three and four nonlinear loads on
each face. The results for an ideally conducting wedge with two loads showed low efficiency in terms of
the possibility of increasing the levels of multiple harmonics relative to the main level in an electromagnetic
field scattered from the structure. The analysis of a wedge with three loads showed the possibility of
increasing the levels of multiple harmonics by 13 dB in the ±5° angle sector. Stable, in a wide frequency
band, an increase in the level of multiple harmonics by 13-23 dB in the ±80° angle sector is achieved
when four loads are placed on the trailing edge of the aircraft wing.


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