Synergetic approach to the “flying platform” control system synthesis
The work is devoted to the synthesis of the aircraft control system using synergetic control theory. The paper contains the vehicle & its control system general description, the control laws synthesis & the computer simulation of the vehicle nonlinear dynamics. The meaning of the management processes functional decomposition is revealed & a block diagram of a hierarchical control system that can be constructed using functional decomposition is given. Three hierarchy levels used in the hierarchical control system are described: the upper level, the middle level & the lower level. The upper hierarchy level contains a mathematical model of the “flying platform” in the required operation mode & general synergetic control laws based on this mathematical model. The middle hierarchy level contains connection equations between the upper & the lower hierarchy levels; these connection equations are based on the “flying platform” layout & on the fans aerodynamic design. The lower hierarchy level contains a mathematical model of the “flying platform” engines synchronization system & particular synergetic control laws based on this mathematical model. The relevance of the work consists in the necessity of “flying platform” type vertical take-off & landing aircraft creation to increase the effectiveness of people rescue operations in those disaster areas where helicopters & other modern means don’t cope with a task. The scientific novelty of the work consists in synergetic approach application to the design of the vehicle’s spatial position hierarchic system & to the coordinating energy-save control over the electric engines that get energy from the turbine generator unit.
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