• S.P. Levashev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Pattern recognition, descriptor, invariance, spectrum graph, deep machine learning


The paper proposes a method for recognition of three-dimensional objects using deep ma-chine learning. In computing systems, objects are often represented by 3D models as a set of poly-gons or surfaces describing a geometric shape. Search for relevant objects by recognizing on the basis of such data without compression is ineffective. In addition, when recognizing on the basis of pairwise comparison of objects with each other, it is often difficult to systematize the results. The proposed recognition method is aimed at solving these problems. In recognition, spectral de-scriptors are applied using characteristics that describe various physical processes on the surface. These descriptors use the spectral decomposition of a discrete analogue of the Laplace-Beltrami operator for objects whose surface is approximated by a triangular grid. Each of the presented objects is represented by three descriptors. A method of compressing information about the shape of an object represented by descriptors using the entered spectral distribution maps is proposed. The peculiarity of this compression method is that when it is used it: is possible to compare objects of different levels of detail, the recognition process is accelerated, and the important properties of resistance to noise and invariance to various form transformations possessed by spectral descriptors are preserved. Object recognition is then performed using deep machine learning, which uses a convolutional neural network with several channels. The input data for each channel of the neural network are maps of spectral distributions. Recognition is performed by computing in a pre-trained neural network and then determining the class to which the object belongs. A series of computational experiments using various configurations of spectral descriptors was carried out. Experimental results demonstrate high recognition accuracy for three-dimensional objects with various shape transformations.


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