• I.V. Obraztsov VUNC Navy "Naval Academy"
  • М.G. Panteleev St. Petersburg State Electrotechnical University "LETI"
Keywords: Fire safety, the struggle for survivability, Navy ships, intelligent survivability system, Schedule images artificial neural networks, ontological knowledge base, artificial intelligence, database, knowledge base, Intelligent decision support


Information about fire-hazardous situations circulating in the circuits of the control
and control systems of the Navy ship and the level of artificial intelligence technologies is quite
enough to develop a scientific and methodological apparatus for detecting fire-hazardous situations
in ship premises, determining the location of their occurrence and fire factors, predicting the development
of a fire-hazardous situation and developing a set of technological solutions using artificial
intelligence to obtain sound recommendations on localization and extinguishing fires on Navy ships.
This will significantly reduce the time for detecting sources of ignition, provide reliable information
about the fire-hazardous situation, predict the development of a fire in the ship's premises and
promptly organize the fight against a ship's fire before the occurrence of critical fire-hazardous factors
and damage to the ship, the health and life of personnel. Artificial intelligence technologies are
an effective means of solving complex poorly formalized tasks. This class traditionally includes the
tasks of classification, clustering, approximation of multidimensional maps, time series forecasting,
nonlinear filtering, and management of complex technological objects. The analysis of the fire hazard
of technological processes, the operation of ship systems and technical means has shown that one of
the most promising ways to resolve the systemic contradiction in ensuring fire safety is the use of
artificial intelligence technologies. The need to develop intelligent survivability systems on Navy
ships is due to the need to improve the effectiveness of leadership in the fight for survivability in a
number of accidents and catastrophes. Examples of the influence of various factors on the conduct of
the struggle for survivability in the event of accidents are described. The role of intelligent survivability
systems in the systems of ships and vessels is determined. The necessity of implementing such systems
is justified. The intelligent survivability systems currently being developed on Navy ships are
designed to assist the command staff of ships and vessels in the timeliness and validity of decisionmaking,
which will increase the effectiveness of the fight for survivability


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