• D.V. Kotov Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation
  • О.B. Lebedev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Swarm of robots, control system, unmanned aerial vehicles, geometric structure of the formation, finite state machine, decentralized interaction, collective alternative adaptation, multi-agent system


The main way to solve problems of planning and traffic control is the use of intelligent technologies.
At the same time, intelligent technologies are used to solve the problems of setting and adjusting
control goals and action programs to implement these goals, as well as to form a control
algorithm under conditions of uncertainty caused by various factors in actuators, the motion control
subsystem, and the planning and behavior subsystem. This work is devoted to the actual problem of
mathematical modeling and control theory: the problem of decentralized control of a multi-agent
system consisting of agents modeling the behavior of autonomous robots in order to ensure the movement of a group of robots deployed in a line and in a «convoy» type formation. The paper examines
the results of research in the field of controlling a group of unmanned aerial vehicles, identifies
the types of tasks that can be performed by a group of aerial robots, and highlights the main control
strategies and their features. The general positions necessary for the development of a detailed group
control algorithm have been formed. Each robot must navigate in space autonomously without GPS
using signals from its own camera or lidar (active rangefinder), identify obstacles, build optimal
paths of movement and make decisions aimed at achieving the goal and completing the task. Management
is carried out using an alternative collective adaptation algorithm, based on the ideas of
collective behavior of adaptation objects. To implement the adaptation mechanism, the vector parameters
are matched with adaptation automata that model the behavior of adaptation objects in the
environment. A structure for the process of alternative collective adaptation has been developed,
under the control of which a group of robots moves in formation


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