• I.E. Selezneva V.A. Trapeznikov Institute of Control Sciences of the RAS
Keywords: Integrated aviation systems, highly automated aircraft, unmanned aircraft, the number of aircraft fleet, the length of the patrolled highway


Operating organizations and potential consumers of aviation works and services may not
fully benefit from the introduction of non-emergency or highly automated aircrafts, introducing
them only locally, within the framework of traditional business models of aviation application,
often even in fixed volumes characteristic of aircraft of previous generations, with a higher cost of
operation. The aim of the work is to define the boundaries of the field of formation of integrated
aviation systems (IAS) as an effective mechanism for the introduction of aircrafts control automation
technologies, when the introduction of unmanned or highly automated aircrafts will be effective
in the formation of IAS. Based on the optimal patrol model, the numbers of aircraft fleet without
the formation of the IAS and with the formation of the IAS are calculated. The values of operating
costs and the values of fines and losses from emergencies with the formation of IAS with
unmanned and (or) highly automated aircrafts and without the formation of IAS with unmanned and (or) highly automated aircrafts and with manned aircrafts are determined. The dependence of
the IAS formation efficiency area on the studied parameters is determined. Parametric calculations
have been performed for the characteristic values of the parameters. It is shown that the
maximum economic effect can be achieved by the formation of optimal IAS with unmanned or
highly automated aircraft, in which, according to the global economic criterion, both the aircraft
fleet and its application strategy and the "response" business processes of the consumer of aviation
works and services are optimized. The boundaries of the cost values for the introduction of
automation technologies are determined depending on the length of the patrolled highway, when
the introduction of unmanned or highly automated aircraft will be effective only when forming an
IAS, and without the formation of an IAS, and when the introduction of unmanned or highly automated
aircraft will be ineffective, manned aircraft will be effective. Thus, an effective mechanism
for the dissemination of control automation technologies and improving the efficiency of business
processes in various industries is the formation of IAS by aviation equipment development organizations
and manufacturers, in the interests of potential consumers of aviation works and services.


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