• Е.V. All-Russian Order "Badge of Honor "Research Institute of Fire Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia"
  • V.I. Ershov All-Russian Order "Badge of Honor "Research Institute of Fire Defense of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia"
  • А.Y. Barannik All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency of the EMERCOM of Russia (Federal Science and High Technologies Center)
  • А. V. Lagutina All-Russian Scientific Research Institute for Civil Defense and Emergency of the EMERCOM of Russia (Federal Science and High Technologies Center);
Keywords: Parameter optimization model, ideal model, rational model, technical indicators, multicriteria assessment, hierarchy analysis method


An approach is proposed to substantiate the parameters of a robotic complex designed for
emergency rescue and other urgent work in the aftermath of accidents at particularly dangerous
facilities (hereinafter – RTC). This approach is based on the formulation of an ideal model of a
robotic complex and its further transformation in order to ensure the possibility of creating, on the
basis of existing industrial technologies, a promising sample that surpasses existing robotic tools
in terms of performance. The chosen approach defines a number of provisions regarding the process
of substantiating the parameters of technology and the creation of its promising samples and
technologies, including theoretical provisions that should be the basis for its consideration; methods
of action in its organization; the algorithm of its implementation. In the course of achieving
this goal – substantiating the parameters of the RTC under consideration, the following scientific
tasks were solved: the problems of creating a model for optimizing parameters were analyzed, an
"ideal model" for optimizing parameters was developed, on the basis of which a rational model for
optimizing RTC parameters was prepared. When solving these tasks, the main features of ideal
RTCs were identified: autonomy, flexibility, intelligence, maneuverability, programmability, possession
of sensory feedback. In addition, ideal RTCs should ensure: the exclusion of deaths and
injuries of personnel during emergency situations (hereinafter referred to as emergencies); improving
the effectiveness of emergency rescue and other urgent work (hereinafter referred to as
EROUW); flexibility and adaptability during EROUW. The rationalization of an ideal model in
this article is proposed to be understood as its transformation by reducing the requirements for the
corresponding parameters. At the same time, two types of rationalization of RTC parameters are
considered: – according to tactical indicators, it is a model that is advisable to implement if a
stochastic mathematical model of RTC actions can be developed; – according to technical indicators,
the model used if the mentioned RTC action model is not created. This approach makes it
possible to assess the degree of deviation of the selected RTC parameters and the methods used to
justify them from the best options, as well as to outline ways to improve them.


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