• К. А. Sinanyan Southern Federal University
  • Y.V. Yuhanov Southern Federal University
  • I.V. Ilin Southern Federal University
  • I.V. Merglodov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Stealth aircraft, anechoic chamber, backscattering diagram measurement, camera background accounting method


The development of the global market of unmanned aerial vehicles and the Russian market of
unmanned aerial vehicles is considered and analyzed. Prospects for the development and growth of the
unmanned aerial vehicles market. The importance of reliable measurement of the effective scattering
surface of stealth unmanned aerial vehicles is considered. The methods of reducing parasitic reflection
from a pivoting support device inside an anechoic chamber are considered - the use of a column made
of radio–transparent material and the use of a pylon made of conductive material. The results of
calculations in HFSS using a column made of radio-transparent material and a pylon made of
conductive material are presented. The effect of taking into account the background of an anechoic
chamber on the reliability of measuring the effective scattering surface of stealth aircraft is considered.
The existing methods of accounting for the background of an anechoic chamber are analyzed, which
allow reducing parasitic back reflections in an anechoic chamber when measuring stealth objects. The
shadow zone that appears on the back wall of an anechoic chamber when measuring objects in an
anechoic chamber is considered. The contribution of the shadow zone arising on the back wall of the
anechoic chamber when measuring objects to the reliability of measuring stealth objects inside the
anechoic chamber is analyzed and the need to take into account the contribution of the shadow zone
when measuring stealth objects in the anechoic chamber is shown. The classical method of accounting
for the camera background, which is the basis of the proposed method, is described. The main drawback
of the classical method of accounting for the background of an anechoic chamber is described. A new
method for measuring mono static backscattering diagrams is proposed and described. The new method
of measuring backscattering diagrams allows us to take into account the disadvantage of the classical
method of accounting for the background of an anechoic chamber when measuring i stealth objects
inside an anechoic chamber. The essence of the new method is to use a wedge of conductive material,
which is located in the shadow zone of the back wall of the anechoic chamber, directly behind the
measured stealth object. The effectiveness of the new method is shown in the HFSS software
environment, based on the HFSS model of an anechoic chamber of the Southern Federal University.


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