• А. V. Proskuryakov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Automation, biological, verification, non-etalon verification method, diagnostics, information, cyberphysical, medical, method, reference method, subsystem, hardware and software module, process, system, statistics, radiography, solution, tomography, entropy, standard


This article discusses approaches and their analysis to the design and implementation of
medical information systems based on the concept of a cyberphysical system for solving problems
of verifying the state of fragments of medical biological objects in the process of diagnosing diseases.
The relevance of the development of tools and methods for automating diagnostic and
treatment processes based on advanced technologies with the widespread introduction of medical
information systems (MIS), medical automated information systems (MAIS), medical automated
diagnostic information systems (MADIS) based on a complex of technical means (CTS) of computer
technology (VT), a complex of software (KPS,) system and instrumental, network technologies
and computer networks, new information technologies in general, when implementing a model for
the development of domestic production of technological equipment and medical products. An
analysis is made of what should be included in its composition, according to which principle it
should be built, which principles of construction should satisfy the MIS, as a cyberphysical system
(CFS). The technological sequence is shown, which is the analysis of X-ray images, decisionmaking
based on the analysis of these images, diagnosis based on the decisions made by the decision-
making subsystem of the MIS, which should be carried out by developing and applying algorithms
for automating the diagnostic process implemented by the developed software and information
support for the maintenance of the decision-making subsystem. The implementation of the
process of verifying the state of fragments of biological objects using computed tomographic images
of MIS is described. The article focuses on the analysis of X-ray images, decision-making
based on the analysis of these images, diagnosis based on the decisions made. Examples of applied,
practical implementation of software and information support for the process of automation
of verification of medical facilities in the form of screen forms for working with fragments of the
object under study and the results of the analysis of radiographic images are given. All this makes
it possible to increase the efficiency, accuracy of verification of the state of medical biological
objects, the reliability of the disease diagnosis process. The scientific novelty, the results of the
approbation of the material presented in the article at international, All-Russian conferences,
scientific journals are shown.


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7. Tarasov N.V., Proskuryakov A.V. Realizatsiya algoritma informatsionno-entropiynogo analiza
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8. Samoylenko A.P., Proskuryakov A.V. Sposoby realizatsii metoda diagnostiki sostoyaniya
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Sb. trudov XI Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fizika i radioelektronika
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(FREME'2014)], 2014, pp. 71-75.
9. Proskuryakov A.V., Samoylenko A.P. ARM podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy pri diagnostike
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(FREME’2014) [Proceedings of the XI International Scientific and Technical Conference
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10. Proskuryakov A.V., Samoylenko A.P. Podsistema matematicheskogo i programmnogo
obespecheniya podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy na baze sposobov diagnostiki zabolevaniy po
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and controllers], 2015, No. 1, pp. 34-43. ISSN 1561-1531.
11. Proskuryakov A.V. Realizatsiya sposobov diagnostiki zabolevaniy v meditsinskoy
avtomatizirovannoy informatsionnoy sisteme podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy [Implementation
of methods for diagnosing diseases in a medical automated information system for decision
support], Sb. trudov XII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fizika i
radioelektronika v meditsine i ekologii» (FREME’2016) [Proceedings of the XII International
Scientific and Technical Conference "Physics and Radio Electronics in Medicine and Ecology"
(FRAME'2016)]. Vladimir, Suzdal', 2016, pp. 303-307.
12. Proskuryakov A.V, Samoylenko A.P. Metodologiya verifikatsii sostoyaniya fragmentov
biologicheskikh ob"ektov po komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim izobrazheniyam [Methodology
of verification of the state of fragments of biological objects by computer tomographic images],
Sb. trudov XIII Mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Fizika i
radioelektronika v meditsine i ekologii» (FREME’2018) [Proceedings of the XIII International
Scientific and Technical Conference "Physics and Radio Electronics in Medicine and Ecology"
(FREME'2018)]. Vladimir, Suzdal', 2018, pp. 209-212.
13. Proskuryakov A.V. Verifikatsiya sostoyaniya fragmentov biologicheskikh ob"ektov po
komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim izobrazheniyam [Verification of the state of fragments of biological
objects using computed tomographic images], Mater. Vserossiyskoy nauchnotekhnicheskoy
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«KomTekh-2019» [Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with international
participation named after professor O.N. Piavchenko "Komtech-2019"]. Rostov-on-
Don; Taganrog, 2019, pp. 169-175.
14. Kontseptual'nyy podkhod k proektirovaniyu i postroeniyu sovremennykh meditsinskikh
avtomatizirovannykh informatsionnykh sistem (MAIS) [Conceptual approach to the design and
construction of modern medical automated information systems (MAIS)], Sb. trudov VII
Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh, aspirantov i studentov «Problemy
avtomatizatsii, regional'noe upravlenie, svyaz' i avtomatika» PARUSA – 2019 (Gelendzhik, 6–8
noyabrya 2019 g.) [Proceedings of the VII All–Russian Scientific Conference of Young Scientists,
postgraduates and students "Problems of automation, regional management, communications and
automation" SAILS – 2019 (Gelendzhik, November 6-8, 2019)]. Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Izd-vo
YuFU, 2019, pp. 318-332. ISBN: 978-5-9275-3356-5 (Vol. 1). ISBN 978-5-9275-3355-8.
15. Proskuryakov A.V. Meditsinskaya avtomatizirovannaya informatsionnaya sistema podderzhki
prinyatiya resheniya dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniy s ispol'zovaniem verifikatsii sostoyaniya
fragmentov mediko-biologicheskikh ob"ektov po komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim
izobrazheniyam [Medical automated information system for decision-making support for the
diagnosis of diseases using verification of the state of fragments of biomedical objects using
computed tomographic images], Informatizatsiya i svyaz' [Informatization and communication],
2020, No. 3, pp. 55-60.
16. Proskuryakov A.V. Informatsionnoe i programmnoe obespechenie realizatsii metodov
verifikatsii sostoyaniya fragmentov meditsinskikh biologicheskikh ob"ektov po komp'yuternotomograficheskim
izobrazheniyam podsistemoy prinyatiya resheniy dlya diagnostiki
zabolevaniy [Information and software for the implementation of methods for verifying the
state of fragments of medical biological objects using computed tomographic images by the
decision-making subsystem for the diagnosis of diseases], Mater. X Mezhdunarodnoy
nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii «Tekhnologii razrabotki informatsionnykh sistem» (TRIS-
2020), (05-10 oktyabrya 2020 g.) [Materials of the X International Scientific and Technical
2020), (October 05-10, 2020)]. Taganrog: Izd-vo YuFU, 2020, pp. 175-181.
17. Realizatsiya metodologii verifikatsii sostoyaniya fragmentov meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
ob"ektov po komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim izobrazheniyam podsistemoy prinyatiya
resheniy dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniy [Implementation of the methodology for verifying the
state of fragments of medical biological objects using computed tomographic images by the
decision-making subsystem for the diagnosis of diseases], Sb. trudov (dokladov)
Vserossiyskoy nauchno-tekhnicheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem imeni
professora O.N. P'yavchenko «Komp'yuternye i informatsionnye tekhnologii v nauke,
inzhenerii i upravlenii», (KomTekh-2021), (08-11 iyunya 2021 g.) [Proceedings (reports) of the
All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference with international participation named after
Professor O.N. Piavchenko "Computer and information technologies in science, engineering
and management", (Comtech-2021), (June 08-11, 2021)]. Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Izd-vo
YuFU, 2021, pp. 258-268. ISBN 978-5-9275-3883-6.
18. Proskuryakov A.V. Avtomatizatsiya protsessa verifikatsii sostoyaniya fragmentov
meditsinskikh biologicheskikh ob"ektov podsistemoy podderzhki prinyatiya resheniy dlya
diagnostiki zabolevaniy [Automation of the process of verifying the state of fragments of medical
biological objects by the subsystem of decision support for the diagnosis of diseases],
Informatizatsiya i svyaz' [Informatization and communication], 2021, No. 8, pp. 85-90. DOI
10.34219/2078-8320-2020-11-3-55-60. ISSN 2078-8320.
19. Metody realizatsii verifikatsii sostoyaniya fragmentov meditsinskikh biologicheskikh
ob"ektov po komp'yuterno-tomograficheskim izobrazheniyam podsistemoy prinyatiya
resheniy dlya diagnostiki zabolevaniy [Methods for the implementation of verification of the
state of fragments of medical biological objects using computed tomographic images by the
decision-making subsystem for the diagnosis of diseases], Sb. trudov X Vserossiyskoy
nauchnoy konferentsii molodykh uchenykh, aspirantov i studentov «Problemy avtomatizatsii,
regional'noe upravlenie, svyaz' i akustika» PARUSA – 2021 (Gelendzhik, 20–22 oktyabrya
2021 g.) [Proceedings of the X All–Russian Scientific Conference of Young scientists, postgraduates
and students "Problems of automation, regional management, communications and
acoustics" SAILS – 2021 (Gelendzhik, October 20-22, 2021)]. Rostov-on-Don; Taganrog: Izdvo
YuFU, 2021, pp. 63-72. ISBN 978-5-9275-4002-0.
20. Proskuryakov A.V. Sintez programmnogo i informatsionnogo obespecheniya realizatsii
metodov verifikatsii sostoyaniya meditsinskikh biologicheskikh ob"ektov dlya meditsinskoy
avtomatizirovannoy informatsionnoy sistemy [Synthesis of software and information support
for the implementation of methods for verifying the state of medical biological objects for a
medical automated information system], Izvestiya YuFU. Tekhnicheskie nauki [Izvestiya
SFedU. Engineering Sciences], 2022, No. 2, pp.199-212. DOI 10.18522/2911-3103-2022-2-
199-212. ISSN 1999-9429.