• А.А. Maryev Southern Federal University
  • Z.А. Ponimash Southern Federal University
Keywords: Location, radar, sonar, wireless communications, motion, Doppler effect, simulation, signal, numerical methods


The work is devoted to the issues signals simulation in systems with moving objects. The relevance
of the problem is determined by the growing interest in application of ultra-wideband signals,
progress in the field of creation of hypersonic aircraft and low-orbit spacecraft, as well as
the widespread use of radar and sonar systems with long accumulation of signals.
The geometry of the problem of location for a rather general case (bistatic location with moving
transmitter, reflector and receiver) is considered, as well as the method and algorithm for solving
the problem of modeling echo signal for the simplified case of homogeneous and isotropic medium.
The necessity of numerical methods usage for realization of the proposed simulation method,
suggestions on the choice of numerical methods are given: Runge-Kutta method is suggested for
solving differential equations, for solution of algebraic equations Newton's method is suggested.
Recommendations are given on the choice of parameters of each of the numerical methods. The
applicability of the proposed method and algorithm to the problem of wireless communication with
mobile objects is shown. Several important special cases for each of the problems are considered
with the indication of areas of radio engineering and hydroacoustics, in which each of the special
cases are relevant. It is shown that in a number of simple special cases the proposed method leads
to solutions already obtained by other authors and published in open sources. Recommendations
are given on generalization of the algorithm to more complex variants of the problem formulation


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