• S.M. Gushanskiy Southern Federal University
  • V.S. Potapov Southern Federal University
Keywords: Modeling, quantum algorithm, qubit, model of a quantum computer, entanglement, superposition, quantum operator


The paper is an exploration of a new approach to the systematic analysis and classification
of quantum circuits based on the functional configuration of qubits. The article examines in detail
the role of elementary gates in changing the elements of the state vector and highlights the importance
of functional configurations of qubits in the collective modification of quantum states.
The main aspects covered in the article include the characterization of quantum circuits with functional
configurations of qubits, analysis of the impact of elementary gates on the state of a quantum
vector, and determination of the number of possible types of functional configurations.
The results of the study could have important implications for optimizing quantum circuits and
improving our understanding of their general properties. A qubit functional configuration is a
mathematical structure that can collectively classify the properties and behavior of quantum circuits.
The development of quantum algorithms with efficient quantum circuits has been a central
part of quantum computing, which has seen enormous progress both theoretically and experimentally
over the past 30 years. The paper makes a contribution to the field of quantum computing by
providing a systematic approach to classify and analyze quantum circuits based on their functional
qubit configurations. Quantum algorithms are an innovative class of algorithms based on the
principles of quantum mechanics and using qubits instead of classical bits to process information.
Unlike classical algorithms, which operate on bits that take on the values 0 or 1, quantum algorithms
can use the principles of quantum superposition and quantum interaction, which allows
them to perform many calculations simultaneously. One of the key advantages of quantum algorithms
is their ability to solve certain problems much more efficiently than classical algorithms.
However, the design and implementation of quantum algorithms pose significant technical and
algorithmic challenges, such as managing quantum states, minimizing errors, and creating robust
quantum gates. Despite these challenges, quantum algorithms offer promising opportunities to
revolutionize computing and solve problems that have traditionally been too complex for classical


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