The purpose of this work is to study the peculiarities of the plasma welding process for analyzing the existence of relationships between process parameters. The goal of the research is to provide statistical data for establishing relationships between the main parameters of plasma welding. Knowledge of these dependencies is necessary for the synthesis of a hybrid controller for the automatic process control system for plasma welding. The fuzzy component of the hybrid regulator can be created based on the formalization of expert knowledge. Expert knowledge will be obtained on the basis of a study of the dependencies between the main parameters of plasma welding. To achieve this goal, experiments were carried out and dependencies in the form of a coupling between the current strength and the heat content of the filler and base metal were obtained, and the dependence of the effective efficiency of the power source on the plasma welding mode was studied. A brief analytical review of well-known works. The results of the analysis showed that the actual direction of the development of welding process control systems is the use of hybrid regulators, as a symbiosis of the classical regulator created using the methods of the theory of automatic control and a fuzzy regulator based on the formalization of expert knowledge. To study the relationship of current strength and heat content of the filler and base metal, the parameters of the plasma welding mode in the form of current, arc length, wire diameter are determined. For the experiments applied to the installation of calorimetry. As a result of the experiments, the effect of the plasma arc current, the diameter of the filler wire, the diameter of the nozzle, the distance from the wire to the product, the angle of wire insertion into the plasma and the melting point was investigated. The heat content of the base metal and the weld metal is investigated. As a result of the experiments, the average temperature of the bath during welding without filler wire for different welding speeds was obtained. Applying a calorimeter with a “dry” vessel in an installation for plasma welding in CO2 with a filler wire, the efficiency of the power source was evaluated.
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