• А. V. Leonova Southern Federal University
  • О. Y. Shpakovskaya Southern Federal University
  • S.А. Sinyutin Southern Federal University
  • Z.А. Kokov Institute of Physics and Mathematics
Keywords: Hardware-software complex, functional state, psychophysiology, hippotherapy, horse riding, inertial sensor, biomechanics, complementary filter, gyroscope, accelerometer, disabilities, rehabilitation, rider seating errors, heart rate variability (HRV), thermography, photoplethysmogram


Hippotherapy is a unique method for restoration and active psychophysical and psychomotor
development. However, the effectiveness of hippotherapy has not been scientifically proven.
Due to the lack of objective evidence of the effectiveness of hippotherapy, this method raises
doubts among doctors and parents of children with disabilities due to the risk of the negative impact
of this method on the human body, associated with possible physical and psychological trauma.
Therefore, during hippotherapy, it is important to continuously assess the functional readiness
of the rider and horse to participate in hippotherapy, recording hidden psychophysiological (PF)
reactions. In order for a hippotherapy session to have a therapeutic effect from a biomechanical
point of view, it is important that the rider and horse move synchronously. As a tool for objective
assessment of the functional state of the rider and horse, and for assessing the mutual influence of
the horse rider’s locomotion during hippotherapy, it was decided to develop a hardware-software
complex (HPC). This device will allow hippotherapy specialists to assess the individual characteristics
of the rider and select the optimal load level in accordance with the psychophysiological
state. Using the hardware and software complex, the hippotherapy trainer will be able to monitor
the maintenance of the correct position of the rider throughout the entire lesson, assess the synchronicity
of changes in the kinetic parameters of the horse and rider during movement.
The hardware and software complex will allow us to conduct a number of studies aimed at assessing
the effectiveness of the hippotherapy method for people with disabilities and collect a scientific
evidence base to confirm the effectiveness of the hippotherapy method.


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