• M.Y. Butenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Laser scanner, point cloud, approximation circles, evaluate complexity environment, mobile robot, contours of a obstacles


The article deals with the problem of clustering obstacles in the cloud of laser scanner points and the problem of assessing the complexity of the environment by a mobile robot. The developed method uses laser scanner data, because such scanners allow to obtain information about the envi-ronment in the form of a cloud of points, using a small amount of resources. In this paper we propose a method for determining the contours of obstacles in a cloud of points using approximating circles. The method based on Delaunay triangulation is used to estimate the complexity of the medium. In the conduct of the existing methods for approximating the circles of the point cloud are considered and arguments proving the inexpediency of their use are given. The paper presents a block diagram of the system for assessing the complexity of the environment. The cases and their characteristics in which the approximation by one circle is impossible, because it will entail a number of errors, and the solu-tion for such cases is proposed – the construction of the office obstacles set of circles of the same radius. Also in the article the algorithm and block diagram of the developed method of approxima-tion of a point cloud obtained from a system of technical vision for a stationary 2D scene are given. Examples of application of the method confirming its efficiency are given. To test the method, a simu-lation was carried out in the Matlab R2017b package. Modeling is given for scenes with obstacles – circles of different radius, straight or a set of straight lines, a set of circles of different shapes. In conclusion, the analysis of the developed method of approximation of the point cloud and the results of assessing the complexity of the environment for different scenes.


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