• М.V. Nikitina MSTU "STANKIN"
  • А.V. Kapitanov MSTU "STANKIN"
Keywords: Inconsistencies, automated system, integration, сorrective and preventive action (CAPA)


The aim of the study is to increase the efficiency of product manufacturing, on the basis of
an integrated automated information system of nonconforming product management enterprise.
The main objectives are to analyze the existing automated nonconforming product management
systems on the market, to develop a model of an integrated automated nonconforming product
management system when transmitting information to enterprise departments through a unified
industry document management system and nonconforming product management information
system and to assess the effectiveness of an integrated automated nonconforming product management
information system. The article states that automated information systems of production
management are an integral part in production management. Currently, they are implemented in
many enterprises of the Russian Federation. The analysis of such existing domestic automated
control systems as the automated control system of discrete production "Prisma", "Galaktika
ERP", "8D. Management of nonconformities" and AS "Quality management". Using the expert
method, the lowest indicator of quality of the automated system "Quality Management" implemented
at the enterprise was identified, this indicator is the interoperability of the system. Further
it was revealed that in order to minimize the receipt at the enterprise of products that do not meet
established requirements, it is necessary to integrate this automated system of non-conformity
management and a unified industry document management system. Conducting integration of the
systems, controlling the volume of production of good products and the number of detected defective
products are considered on the example of smart LPG pressure sensors. Models of the process
of analysis of product nonconformity detection before and after the integration are presented and
described. To assess the effectiveness of the integration process, a histogram is built, which shows
the results of the efficiency of the production of good products, Gantt charts show the reduction of
time costs for the process of analysis of the detection of inconsistencies, as well as the results of
cost-effectiveness of the integration process.


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