• А.D. Ulyev Volgograd State Technical University
  • Y.А. Orlova Volgograd State Technical University
  • V.L. Rozaliev Volgograd State Technical University
  • А. R. Donsckaia Volgograd State Technical University
Keywords: Neural network, artificial intelligence, human posture recognition, behavior monitoring


Due to the rapid development of the sphere of trade, the means of automatic control of the
work of employees providing services to customers are gaining particular popularity. At the moment,
there are many modern approaches, methods and algorithms for automatically tracking
buyers and sellers in the store. Modern companies are trying to solve this problem in different
ways: counting visitors, monitoring devices, various neural network solutions, and so on. After
reviewing the solutions with the necessary functionality, the main disadvantages were identified,
such as, for example, high cost, inconvenience in use, and so on. As a result, the authors set a
goal: to improve the quality of tracking the movement of employees / customers through the development
of automated means and methods of movement control, inter-chamber tracking and identification
of the individual. The article describes a method for automatic recognition and tracking of
employees of stores and firms. The method is based on a cascade of neural networks and algorithms
that allow recognizing customers and employees in uniform, as well as evaluating the
quality of employees' work and customer satisfaction by voice. As the results of the research, this
article presents models and methods for classifying customers and sellers by uniform, methods for
determining the level of interaction between sellers and customers based on algorithms for determining
the satisfaction of visitors and customers by voice and face, and algorithms for determining
the quality of employees' work. The developed methods can improve the efficiency of employees, as
well as increase the quality of services provided. Based on the results of the work, testing was
carried out and a conclusion was made about the satisfactory performance of the presented methods
and algorithms.


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