• Е.М. Gerasimenko Southern Federal University
  • D.Y. Kravchenko Southern Federal University
  • Y.А. Kravchenko Southern Federal University
  • E.V. Kuliev Southern Federal University
Keywords: Emergencies, decision support, fuzzy rules, ontologies, classification


The article is devoted to solving the scientific problem of decision support for the prevention
and elimination of emergencies’ consequences based on solving the problem of structuring information.
The relevance of this task is due to the need to develop theoretical foundations for optimizing
the risk of adverse effects on human health and the environment in connection with emergencies.
The authors give definitions to the main terms of the studied subject area. A formalized
statement of the problem to be solved is presented. A detailed emergencies’ classification with a
description of the presented classes’ features is given. The system of rules for decision support in
emergencies should have a multi-level hierarchy, which allows for the construction of variousdecision-making trajectories on a top-down basis. The most suitable model for building such an information
space is an ontological structure that provides the creation of the necessary multi-level
hierarchy, taking into account all the parameters and criteria that affect the development of the situation.
The main elements of this ontological model are entities and relationships between them, the
presence of which at the upper level of decomposition will indicate the risk of an emergency, and at
each lower level it will expand the taxonomy of a detailed description of emergencies’ possible situations
and the necessary actions to prevent or eliminate them consequences. The processing of this
ontological model of rules is implemented on the basis of the structuring information fuzzy method
proposed by the authors in emergencies, which differs from known analogs by the use of a new generalized
criterion for optimizing the choice of decision support alternatives. The originality of the
optimization formulation of the structuring problem lies in the assessment of the information elements
contextual binding to a certain class of emergency situations, interdisciplinary, taking into account
the presence of many links between subject areas, as well as taking into account the decrease in the
level of information efficiency about the course of emergencies over time.


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