• I.V. Piskulin Branch of the Military Academy of the Peter the Great Strategic Missile Forces
Keywords: Robotic complex, motion control system, course angle, method of two-circuit systems, model, simulation


The effectiveness of the use of autonomous mobile robots largely depends on the motion control
system. For a crew car, the question of selecting the optimal driving speed is decided by the driver. The
speed of movement of autonomous robots, especially over very rough terrain, is significantly lower and
this is caused by the operation of an autonomous control system. In tracked chassis, one of the components
of speed is known to have such a property as agility, which characterizes the controllability of a
vehicle under specified conditions. The aim of the study is to increase the efficiency of automatic control
systems (ACS) for the movement of ground-based robotic systems for military purposes (RTK VN) on the
course based on the application of the method of two-circuit systems equivalent to combined. The use of
automatic control systems equivalent to combined systems makes it possible to increase the accuracy of
automatic control systems by reducing the value of the dynamic error, that is, achieving error invariance
without violating the stability of the system. The objective of the study is to experimentally determine
the dependences of the steady-state value of the error of reproducing the angle of the course with
constant and linear input influences in single-circuit and double-circuit automatic motion control
systems of the RTK. In the course of the work, it was proposed to draw up structural diagrams of
automatic traffic control systems of the RTK VN along the course angle, based on structural diagrams
to develop models for conducting experimental studies of the proposed approach by computer
modeling methods. In the course of the study, it is proposed to analyze the accuracy of reproducing
the angle of the course based on the data obtained as a result of modeling. As part of the ongoing
work, the task of building motion control systems for autonomous mobile tracked vehicles and robots
is considered. A model of the automatic motion control system of tracked RTCs is proposed based on
the application of the method of two-circuit systems equivalent to combined ones. The simulation
results confirm the efficiency of the proposed approach and show that it is possible to obtain improved
indicators of the functioning of the control system in terms of accuracy and efficiency.
The method proposed in the article allows us to solve the problem of improving the efficiency of the
RTK motion control system along the course angle in offline mode.


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