• P.G. Gritzaenko Southern Federal University
Keywords: Injection-field logic, impurity distribution profile, the very combination of areas, reproducibility, layout density


In the 80s of the last century, integrated injection logic (I2L) was widely used as an element
base. Somewhat later, in the development of I2L, injection-field logic (IPL) appeared for the construction
of VLSI. Both element bases are close in the degree of integration on a chip. An increase in
the degree of integration into VLSI can be achieved using self-displacement of regions, in which the
introduction of impurities of different types is carried out using a single boundary of the masking
material. In this paper, this principle is used to create a vertical channel of a key field-effect transistor
of IPL logic. In a p-type epitaxial film deposited on an n+-type substrate, an n-type region with a
depth greater than the thickness of the epitaxial film is sequentially created first, and then impurity
diffusion is performed in the same window with the creation of a region p-type. The gap between
these n-type regions is the channel of the field-effect transistor being formed. Next, a shallow n+-type
region is created that overlaps the channel, which is the drain region of a key field-effect transistor
with a vertical channel, the p-type diffusion region is a gate, and the uniformly alloyed region of the
epitaxial film performs the function of an injector. Branching along the outlet in this IPL structure is
provided by placing several drains along the perimeter of the channel. Due to this geometry, the
structure has a greater reproducibility of parameters compared to the basic design of the IPL. Topological
variants of the implementation of the IPL cell and schemes based on it are considered:
schemes 6 OR-NOT and Dt-trigger. The proposed design and technological version of the IPL cell
can be recommended for creating VLSI of a high degree of integration


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