• S.Е. Kondakov Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • К.S. Chudin Bauman Moscow State Technical University
  • М.V. Bolychev Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Keywords: Personal data, security threats, expert analysis


The purpose of this article is to substantiate the indicator for evaluating the effectiveness of
measures to ensure the security of personal data of the personnel body of an industrial complex
enterprise (hereinafter - the defense industry). To build a mathematical model of the probability of
a threat, the methodological apparatus for assessing current threats to information security,
formed on the basis of regulatory and methodological documents of the FSTEC of Russia, is used.
The article presents the author's interpretation of the main methodological provisions presented in
the documents under consideration in relation to the assessment of threats to the security of personal
data (hereinafter - PD) of the personnel body of the defense industry enterprise. The peculiarity
of identifying vulnerabilities of information resources of the personnel body of the defense
industry enterprise, through which it is possible to implement threats to the security of PD, is the
use of calculation methods that allow to establish the fact of the potential possibility of a threat. o
determine the vulnerabilities of the information resources of the personnel body of the defense
industry enterprise to the implementation of threats to the security of PD, an expert analysis of the
information environment of the IP is carried out. As a result, a set is formed, the elements of which
determine vulnerabilities. Thus, it is necessary to consider a mathematical model of the probabilistic
characteristics of the occurrence of a threat to the security of the PD of the personnel body of
the defense industry enterprise as a product of the probabilities of preventing unauthorized copying,
unauthorized modification and blocking access to the information resources of the IS of the
personnel body of the defense industry enterprise


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