• А. М. Gruzlikov State Research Center of the Russian Federation Concern CSRI Elektropribor
Keywords: High-level design, management of computing, assignment problem, scheduling problem, test diagnostics


The aim of the study is to improve the efficiency of high-level design of robotic systems in terms
of management of computing and diagnostics of on-board computer software. Three problems are
considered: assignment, scheduling and diagnostics. The first problem, the assignment task, is to
determine the necessary resources and build the distribution of program modules among the onboard
computer processors in accordance with a given criterion. The article presents a mathematical
formulation of the problem, algorithms are given, and the presence of areas of effective dominance of
algorithms depending on the selected criterion is shown. The second problem, the scheduling problem,
is to determine the sequence of tasks in multi-channel systems in accordance with a given criterion.
A mathematical formulation of the problem is given, algorithms and the results of their study
are given. A feature of the scheduling algorithms under consideration is the use of a unified approach,
namely the concept of the dominance relation between processors and the construction of
solvable classes of systems. The third problem is software diagnostics. The complexity of the task of
diagnosing computer systems is determined not only by their high dimensionality, but also by the
multiplicity of causes of violations. The source of violations of the computing process can be both
hardware failures and errors in the organization of calculations made by developers. The article uses
a hierarchical approach, in this case, the components of the system, connected by an inclusion relation,
are arranged in accordance with the level of complexity in such a way that the model of higherlevel
components is represented by a composition of lower-level models. For each level, own diagnostic
tools are synthesized, focused on failures of information links between the components of the
previous level. The article proposes an approach to test diagnostics using a network dynamic model,
which involves the introduction of redundancy in order to simplify the diagnostic experiment and
reduce the complexity of its preparation. This approach allows you to automatically synthesize diagnostic
tools and detect violations in the addressing of information exchanges when the software of
robotic systems works as intended. Approbation of the algorithms under consideration was carried
out using software developed by the author at the stage of designing on-board systems at JSC «Concern
«Central Research Institute «Elektropribor».


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