• N.A. Bocharov JSC «INEUM»
Keywords: Onboard computers, robotics, VITA90, COM-Express, Elbrus


Research in the field of creating specialized computing systems for robots is conducted
in many world scientific centers, including our country. The development of capabilities of
sensor systems, global navigation systems, growth of computing power and improvement of
algorithms allow creating onboard computing systems with broad intellectual capabilities.
An important, but unsolved problem remains the equipping of such computing systems with
domestically produced microprocessors. One of the difficulties hindering the widespread
integration of domestic hardware is the problem of unification and standardization of the
components of the onboard computers. Unification of onboard computer modules would open
up new opportunities for developers of robotic systems by reducing the price and simplifying
development and modernization. This article discusses approaches to the unification and
standardization of elements of onboard computers, describes the experience of the development
of ANSI/VITA standards in the field of onboard computers, and also provides examples
of computing modules in a unified COM-Express form-factor based on Elbrus microprocessors
for onboard computers. Experiments were conducted using unified computing modules based on Elbrus-2C3, Elbrus-1C+ and Elbrus-4C microprocessors. Their applicability for
creation of onboard computing complexes is shown. The necessity of developing a domestic
standard for on-board computer housings and form-factors is shown.


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