• S.А. Matyunin Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev"
  • А.А. Igolkin Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev"
  • R.А. Zhigalov Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education “Samara National Research University named after Academician S.P. Korolev"
Keywords: Fluxgate sensor, magnetic sensor, numerical simulation, induction, tension, valve


The aim of the study is to develop a non-contact fluxgate position sensor to control the open /
closed state of the valve. There are many examples of the use in modern technology of elements or devices
that interact with a magnetic field. One of the most urgent tasks is to use the influence of the magnetic
field as a means of control or as a component of the control environment. The use of magnetooptical
sensors for monitoring the functioning of technical objects is due to their non-contact measure ment method, the ability to measure not only magnetic, but also various other physical quantities, the
relative simplicity, reliability and low cost of the design of the sensitive element, flexibility in use, operation
in low-temperature and high-temperature environments. One of the sensors of this type is a fluxgate
magnetic field converter. Valves of various pneumohydraulic systems are an example of the object of
introduction of a fluxgate sensor. The essence of the task is to create a non-contact limit switch of the
valve spool, signaling the closed or open state of the valve and transmitting this information to the control
system. It is proposed to divide this task into stages and their sequential implementation. First, a
search and analysis of existing solutions, literature on the topic of research of magnetic transducers is
carried out. Next, a model design of the sensor is developed, according to which a geometric 3D model
and a 2D model of the sensing element are created, and the proposed material of the constituent elements
of the sensor is selected. With the help of numerical methods of computer simulation and mathematical
models, the operation of the sensor is simulated and its output characteristics are determined
under various operating modes. According to the design characteristics, the optimal design and configuration
of the sensor's sensing element is selected and calculated. As a result of the simulation, assembly
and working drawings of the sensor are developed. The proposed method for solving the problem is
characterized by the complexity of studying nonlinear magnetic systems and their modeling. The results
of this study can be recommended for the development of magneto-optical sensors of this or another
type and for the study of materials with nonlinear magnetic properties.


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