• А.А. Voloshkin Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • L. А. Rybak Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • D.I. Malyshev Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • К.V. Chuev Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
  • V. М. Skitova Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G. Shukhov
Keywords: Training apparatus, virtual model, Gough-Stewart platform, direct problem of kinematics, simulation modeling, digital twin, prototype


The development of modern training complexes for simulating vehicle control is an urgent task
due to the high cost of control errors, which can be solved using parallel structure mechanisms.
The article presents current research in the field of creating a model and a real prototype of a simulator
complex for training drivers of vehicles and special equipment based on a dynamic six-degree
mobility platform. One of the mandatory requirements when designing a platform is the exclusion
from the working area of special positions in which the mechanism loses its controllability and malfunctions
may occur. The article presents the results of studies of the influence of special positions on
the solution of the direct problem of kinematics and the geometry of the working space of the Gough-
Stewart platform (commercial name - "Hexapod"). A virtual prototype of the robotic platform was
developed at MSC Adams, which made it possible to simulate the kinematic and dynamic parameters
that characterize the operating conditions under the action of workloads. The greatest resultant forces
acting on the hinges at the maximum speed that the actuator can develop are determined. In accordance
with the ultimate load, a 3D model of the training complex was built using computer-aided
design systems. The article presents the results of designing a training complex, a prototype is made.
The simulator consists of an upper platform and a base, which are connected by translational electric
drives. The driver's cabin is installed on the upper platform, which has controls similar to those of the
car. The simulation image is displayed on the installed monitors. For the interaction and immersion
of the driver in the simulation environment, the software and hardware complex "Route" has been
developed, with the following functionality: – automated formation of a digital terrain model (including
areas of urban development) based on electronic topographic maps, libraries of threedimensional
objects, results of laser scanning of real terrain, data from mobile complexes with precision
navigation equipment; – creation of new three-dimensional objects; – setting up a behavioral
model of dynamic objects (intelligent agents), developed using the principles of multi-agent systems;
– creation of sets of exercises with various emergency situations for trainees. Experimental studies of
the prototype made it possible to evaluate its capabilities and characteristics, and adjust the algorithms.
The research results presented in the article will contribute to the creation of a solid infrastructure,
promoting the provision of inclusive and sustainable industrialization.


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