• S.М. Sokolov Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics Russian Academy of Sciences;
Keywords: Robot autonomy, degree of autonomy, robotics ontologies, fuzzy cognitive maps, unification of solutions in the field of autonomy


Against the background of the ever-increasing needs for robotic complexes with an increased degree
of autonomy and the planned transition to their widespread use, the need for technologies for assessing
the quality and comparing the degree of autonomy of such devices is being actualized. The article
describes the current state of issues of evaluation and comparison of the degree of autonomy of unmanned
complexes. Known estimates of the degree of autonomy are given. In the existing classification
system, informational and intellectual autonomy are distinguished, which are considered in close connection.
Solutions are proposed that complement the known approaches to the general definition of the
degree of autonomy and allow us to form quantitative estimates of the degree of autonomy of robots in
various areas of the national economy. Technologies aimed at automating the receipt of these estimates
are considered. In particular, the possibility of using the tools of fuzzy cognitive maps well mastered by
domestic researchers to determine the degree of autonomy in conditions of incomplete information, the
availability of high-quality information and the influence of the human factor is discussed. The necessity
of developing ontologies of subject areas is substantiated in order to ensure the possibility of comparing
the degree of autonomy of various robotic complexes (RC) and their groupings. In general, the approach
is indicated, which is aimed at systematizing assessments of the quality and effectiveness of the
use of autonomous robots, and can allow in a short time to prepare a methodological basis for the widespread
introduction of robotics. One of the positive consequences of such a systematic approach is the
unification of formulations and solutions (modules) in the tasks of RC information support, which, in
turn, facilitates interaction between users, customers and developers. For RС developers, a systematic
approach makes it possible to reuse successful solutions in various combinations. In conclusion, wishes
are expressed to the community of domestic roboticists in joining efforts to unify terminology, describe
problem statements and metrics of intelligence of robotic complexes


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