• G.P. Vinogradov Tver State Technical University
Keywords: Sensor networks, sensor nodes, patterns, knowledge engineering, situational awareness


The subject of the study is the methods of intellectualization of automated systems and complexes
in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation based on the use of knowledge-based models and technologies,
as well as reactive wireless sensor networks (RWSN), which have a great prospect of application,
especially when conducting local special operations by mobile tactical groups. The relevance of
the work is due to the fact that the dynamics of a modern clash involves the concentration of all types of
information when making decisions that are adequate to the combat situation, which makes it possible
to implement a new approach to the conduct of hostilities based on the integration of systems of all levels
and types of troops. The form of integration is the tactical group. The implementation of the approach
requires the construction of a knowledge cycle when making decisions, including the stages of
perception, representation, awareness and their replenishment based on new architectures for the construction
and use of information technologies. The aim of the work is to study the possibility of building
an information system for providing data for one of the key stages - the stage of acquiring knowledge
from distributed sources when using responsive sensor networks as the primary element of the system.
Main results. Studies have shown that the most effective solution is based on the use of SCADA tools and
sensor networks through their integration, as well as hybridization with expert knowledge. The architecture
of the tactical group information system is proposed, which provides situational awareness on the
entire tactical spectrum of combat operations and decision-making under severe time constraints. Such
a system can be considered as one of the main key factors for creating superiority over the enemy. An
overview of possible applications of RWSN in military areas is given. Their high efficiency in performing
combat missions is shown. Practical significance. The expediency of applying the results obtained in
the design of RWSN is substantiated.


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