• V.V. Lantsov State Research Institute of Applied Problems (GosNIIPP)
  • К.V. Lantsov State Research Institute of Applied Problems (GosNIIPP)
  • А. V. Koryakin State Research Institute of Applied Problems (GosNIIPP)
  • L.А. Martynova JSC CSRI Elektropribor
Keywords: Unmanned aerial vehicle, multipath and multipath, dense urban development, differencerange method, location determination


The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the system for protecting a mobile
protected object from a small unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). In connection with the peculiarity
of the construction of the protection system for a mobile object, associated with the movement
synchronously with the object of the critical zone, into which the UAV should not fall, it was necessary
to develop a method and a mathematical model for assessing the effectiveness of the UAV. As an indicator of efficiency, the probability of diverting the UAV from the critical zone was taken.
It is analyzed that the removal of the UAV from the critical zone is carried out due to the timely
detection of the UAV and its transition from navigation using the signals of satellite navigation
systems to the onboard inertial navigation system. The timeliness of detection is determined by the
detection range of the UA. The detection range is determined, first of all, by the parameters of the
detection means themselves, the topology of their placement, the size of the critical zone around
the protected object, and the direction of movement of the UAV. The size of the critical zone is
determined by the danger of video filming from the UAV or payload drop. The direction of movement
of the UAV most vulnerable to the protected object is the movement to the meeting point with
the protected object. The results of the analysis and the developed algorithms for the functioning
of the protection system against a small UAV were taken into account when developing a mathematical
model for assessing the effectiveness of protecting a protected object. Due to the fact that
some of the parameters of the BVS are not known in advance, their values were played with
equiprobability. The method of statistical tests (Monte Carlo method) was used to calculate the
efficiency indicator. In each test, random parameters of the UAV were played out, initial data
were set, the processes of movement of the protected object and the UAV, changes in the position
of the critical zone were reproduced, the UAV hitting the viewing areas of the detection tools,
moving away from the general course of the UAV and getting into the limits of the critical zone
were evaluated. The developed method and mathematical model for evaluating the effectiveness
made it possible to conduct a numerical experiment aimed at assessing the influence of the UAV
speed on the protection efficiency of a mobile guarded object. The results of the work can be used
in the design and development of a system for protecting a protected object from UA, in a comparative
analysis of alternative systems for protecting against UA. The proposed method and mathematical
model can also be used in the underwater marine environment when evaluating the effectiveness
of protecting a protected inhabited / uninhabited object from marine robotic systems.


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