Around the world, wireless or distant communication has become fundamental and indispensable.
Every day, billions of users access calls, the internet, and social media. Many electrical
equipment, including the antenna, are used in the sophisticated networks and systems that support
that massive information interchange. An electrical device known as an antenna sends or receives
information across space. The antenna is a key component in many systems, including radio and
television transmission, communications receivers, radar, cellular phones, Bluetooth-enabled
gadgets, and satellite communications. The rapid expansion of wireless technology and personal
communication has increased the demand for multiband antennas, which can operate at several
frequencies and are suited for a variety of applications. Dual-band coplanar waveguide (CPW)
fed rectangular microstrip patch antenna for 5G, WiMAX band, ISM Band, and WLAN applications
is presented in this paper. The proposed antenna is robust, cheap, light weight, and easy to
fabricate, resonating at 2.4 GHz in -12.182379 s11 with 205.7 MHz BW and 3.42 GHz
in -37.344879 s11 with 464.9 MHz BW whereas gain is 3.85 and 3.41 respectively. Patch elements
are placed on isolation FR408 (loss-free) substrate of relative permittivity 3.75 kept at a substrate
height of 1.6 mm. Results of simulation are presented using CST STUDIO SUITE 2019.
Patch Antenna for RFID, WLAN and WiMAX Applications, Progress In Electromagnetics
Research C, March 2019, Vol. 91, pp. 97-113.
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