The goal of this paper is to improve the efficiency of automatic object and landmark detec-tion and tracking algorithms in poor observation conditions in presence of noise and artificial obstacles. A particular complication for automatic tracking algorithms in these conditions are rapid scalar and affine image distortions of the object being tracked. In such situations the best performance is shown by the image processing algorithms based on image key features (key point) detection. To solve the stated task a new automatic object and landmark detection and tracking algorithm is developed, based on image key point detection techniques. The developed algorithm of several separated stages. The preliminary stage of processing of each image, being received from electro-optical system (EOS), is the preprocessing stage, which consist of image brightness and contrast equalization. On the first algorithm stage the key point detection and filtering is done with the use of highly efficient Hessian matrix approximation of multiscale second order discrete image derivatives. The local spatio-scale space maxima of Hessian matrix determinant are then selected as key points. Each found key point is then processed to build the description of its local neighborhood. This paper proposes a new multicomponent key point feature vector, providing fast preliminary key point comparison with more precise refinement on the later comparison stages if necessary. The last stage of algorithm consists of finding the best match between two key point sets of tracked object and current image being processed. In case when current video frame contains an object or its significant part, this algorithm allows to precisely locate its position and transfor-mation on the current image with the computational complexity sufficiently low to use the algo-rithm in embedded systems of manned and unmanned aerial vehicles. The proposed algorithm has been tested as a part of special purpose software onboard of state-of-the-art unmanned aerial vehicle and proved to be highly efficient and noise resistant.
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