The article is devoted to solving the problem of controlling the Be-200 amphibious aircraft when
taking water in the gliding mode. The specified mode of flight of an amphibious aircraft (AA) is one of
the most intense for piloting. Controlling an aircraft in gliding mode requires the highest concentration
from the pilot, since the hydrodynamic characteristics decrease, but the aerodynamic ones increase,
which causes situations in which the SA becomes uncontrollable. To ensure the safe operation of the AA
during water intake, as well as to ensure a steady takeoff, the pilot is forced to constantly maintain a
certain value of speed, trim angle, and engine thrust by moving the engine control stick (ECS). In this
regard, it seems very appropriate to use the technical means of the autopilot, which provides control of
the speed, engine thrust and trim angle to ensure the stability of the movement of the SA during the intake
of water. The article deals with the problem of synthesizing an autopilot to control the movement of
an amphibian aircraft during water intake, and at the same time the following tasks are solved: the
synthesis of an autopilot to control the longitudinal movement of an amphibian aircraft, as well as control
landing on water, followed by water intake and takeoff from the water. The substantiation of the
choice of a mathematical model of the movement of an aircraft on water is given. A procedure for the
synergistic synthesis of the autopilot controller of an amphibious aircraft in the water intake mode presented.
The novelty of the ongoing research lies not only in considering the stable movement of an amphibious
aircraft during its operation on the water surface, but also in modeling the process of waterintake in planning mode, which is a more complex task from the point of view of synthesis. As a result,
the control laws for the autopilot obtained, which ensure the stable movement of the amphibious aircraft
when descending along the glide path, landing on water, taking in water and subsequent takeoff with
damping of longitudinal oscillations along the trim angle throughout the entire water intake cycle.
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