The paper considers the problem of scheduling. The paradigm of organization of distributed
computing based on Grid-computing is considered. The classification of task scheduling systems is
given. Various approaches to solving the scheduling problem are described. A model of the task of
servicing applications based on the principles of the theory of queuing systems is presented. The
task statement is formulated on the basis of Grid-scheduling. The concept of a resource rectangle
is proposed. The environment for scheduling resource rectangles is defined. A model is proposed
that allows formalizing the user's request for service by the concept of a resource (non-Euclidean)
rectangle. Instead of the principle of optimization based on the machine search for the best distribution
of the array of resource rectangles, a heuristic principle was proposed, which made it possible
to reduce the amount of necessary calculations. The proposed heuristic scheduling algorithm
makes it possible to take into account the properties of the array and evaluate the quality of solutions.
Models of the demand environment in the form of single cubic faces are constructed.
The model of cubic faces is generalized to the experiment of cubic layers. The description of the
demand model used is given. A model of the resource supply environment in the form of a canonical
pyramid is constructed and the concept of a canonical demand-supply experiment for model
homogeneous resource elements is introduced. A truncation of the supply-demand experiment has
been introduced. A hybrid model based on a combination of evolutionary search principles and
fuzzy control methods is proposed. To solve scheduling problems, it is proposed to use evolutionary
algorithms. A modified solution coding technique and new modifications of genetic operators
for solving scheduling problems have been developed. A block diagram of the algorithm for solving
the problem under consideration is presented, taking into account the use of a fuzzy logic controller.
Computer simulation has been performed and the results of computational experiments
have been presented. The features of the proposed method are revealed, its advantages and disadvantages
are formulated.
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