The article analyzes the structure, principles and technologies used in the creation of semantic
networks, the methodology for representing knowledge in a semantic network. Special
attention is paid to the analysis of the structure of queries to data stored in the semantic network.
The purpose of the analysis is to determine the structural elements that carry confidential or other
important information for the further formation of a methodology for its protection, considering
the specifics of the semantic network. As a result of the analysis of typical structures of semantic
networks, the fundamental structural elements and concepts that make up the structure of the analyzed
method of knowledge representation are considered. The specialized languages used for its
construction and the structure of the information request to the knowledge base are determined, in
which elements carrying confidential information and potentially vulnerable to attacks by intruders
were identified. Problems in the information security of semantic networks have been identified,
such as: exposure to malicious SPARQL queries, which can be used to obtain information
from the semantic network without appropriate privileges and accesses; data vulnerability in the
transmitted information request, characterized by a weak focus of existing protection methods on
the specifics of semantic networks; the problem of assessing the level of confidence in the received
data of the semantic network. One of the approaches to solve these problems can be the creation
of a distributed system for evaluating the trust in nodes and data in the semantic network, as well
as the implementation of mechanisms for protecting information and information requests.
The results obtained as a result of the analysis on the structure of the transmitted data are an integral
part of the process of developing information security tools in semantic networks.
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Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021, 1812, 012034. DOI: 10.1088/1742-